Monday, October 11, 2010

The Flu Shot (dun dun DUN!)

Oh boy, the flu shot! I read a bunch of stuff on this recently and thought I’d put this all together for you all. Wanna know what’s in it??


Mercury: Mercury is a metal, liquid at room temperature. Mercury is toxic at some levels. Unfortunately, the flu shot contains 14 times more than the safe amount of mercury (There is 25 micrograms per shot). It can cause nerve damage and has been shown to contribute to some autism. Mercury likes to get into the brain, liver, stomach, liver, kidneys, and bone marrow: all things that are pretty much very important to your body.

Formaldehyde: Remember when you took biology and you had to dissect lovely little animals that were packet in a clear fluid? Yeah, well, that clear fluid is formaldehyde. It is a major component of embalming fluid and poisonous if ingested. Some people think that it causes cancer in perhaps the liver, gastrointestinal system, immune system, nervous system, and reproductive system. It has been shown to be linked with many serious cancers.

Gentamicin Sulfate: This is an antibiotic. This has been shown to be high allergy flair and reactions can range from mild to life-threatening.

Polymyxin B: Same as above.

Chicken embryos: Chicken embryos are used to grow the influenza virus. This is a big problem for people allergic to eggs or chicken. Either allergy will cause a big deal. This is different from just eating an egg or having some chicken on rare occasions. The shot will inject it into your blood stream and, in a matter of only a few seconds, have coursed through your entire body.

Sodium Phosphate: This is the stuff that causes the vomiting that doctors warn you about. It can also cause lethargy, diarrhea, and inflammation or pain from prolonged contact on skin. Also, your blood chemistry can be affected along with heart disturbances and nerve problems.

Gelatin: Who would have thought, huh? :) Gelatin makes jello, of course! This really does not have terrible affects, even though some allergic reactions have been reported. However, gelatin is made of pieces of calf, cattle, and pork skin, and sometimes demineralized cattle bones… Yum!

Polysorbate 8o: This has been found to cause cancer in animals. However, no cases of human cancer have been documented as a result of this substance.

Neomycin sulfate: This is an antibiotic as well. It interferes with Vitamin B6 absorption. Without Vitamin B6, you can contract rare forms of epilepsy and mental retardation. Also, severe allergic reactions have been reported.

Monosodium glutamate: This is a neurotoxin. Studies are currently being performed to determine whether or not it is involved with malformation, monstrosities, and reproductive problems. This also has had severe allergic reactions reported.

Sodium deoxycholate: This can damage the DNA and is believed to promote tumors.

Octoxynol-10/ octoxynol-9: This kills sperm, causing problems with reproduction. Also, a list of effects is: chills, confusion, dizziness, fever, lightheadedness, muscle aches, peeling of skin, severe eye irritation, etc. It is extremely harmful if swallowed, inhaled, or even contacted with skin. Even on the manufacturer’s website, it states: “FOR RESEARCH ONLY. NOT FOR HUMAN OR DRUG USE.” Very dangerous.

Beta propiolactone: This is known to cause cancer and sensory organ poison.


Well, true be told, even though it seems to have a good name, that good name has only been around for the amount of time it has existed. It hasn’t existed for very long. Since, every year, the flu virus changes a little bit, scientists have to go in and change the vaccine a little bit. Therefore, the vaccine that people were getting 10 years ago in 2000 is not the same as the vaccine that we are getting now in 2010. Generally, the safer vaccines are the ones that have been tested for many years in a row. Right now, it is unknown as to whether the flu shot is dangerous or not with regards to cancer, mutations, sterility, reproductive problems, or fetal harm. They don’t even know if it is excreted in breast milk!

What’s my opinion on the stuff?

Well, if you are a hardy man from the mountains, you probably don’t need it, but you could probably handle it. If you are a baby, you really shouldn’t get it. But, if you are allergic to ANYTHING (especially eggs or chicken), you SHOULD NOT get the shot. For all the rest of you, judge for yourselves. I’m not getting it. I personally don’t want it, I’m not particularly too fond of all the ingredients, and I’m allergic to eggs. But hey! I’m not going to slam you if you get it, but I’m not encouraging you to get it either. Be careful and make wise choices! :)


  1. Interesting to read all the ingredients. I just got mine and wouldn't dare not with all the germs I'm exposed to everyday. Haven't gotten the flu or strep throat (which the flu shot doesn't prevent) since I began getting the flu shot. When I got mine on Sunday, they specifically say that if you are allergic to eggs (and a few other things) you should not get the flu shot. Wise choice for you not to.

  2. Wow! These shots are even worse than I realized. Great job detailing the info about the ingredients!
    We haven't gotten flu shots in our family for years. And, we haven't gotten the flu, in spite of having been exposed to it many times. I think we're better off to keep our bodies - and our immune systems - healthy and to not tamper with them. Sometimes, it's many years before we find out the harm drugs cause.

  3. Thanks for your great feedback!

    @April: That's really great that they make sure people know about that! I would hate find out that a bunch of people didn't research it and instead got terrible reactions from it.

    @Mrs. Mikkola: That's pretty much how I feel too :)

  4. Interesting post. It's difficult to take much away from this without knowing the concentrations of these ingredients, though. I don't know whether they are present in trace quantities, or in significant ones.

  5. Also wanted to comment on this: "I think we're better off to keep our bodies - and our immune systems - healthy and to not tamper with them."

    I'd have to disagree with that, since vaccines have been shown to be very effective in decreasing infection rates. So do you mean that it's better in general to avoid vaccines, even though you get sick more?

  6. Ah, yes, quantities. That is a good question. First of all, I did explain that there is 14 times more than considered safe of mercury in one shot. So that is taken care of. (formaldehyde)
    That's a good source for that. I'll have to look into the exact quantities of the rest of the ingredients. Any few in particular that you were wondering about??

    Actually, your point on whether or not people get sick more has absolutely nothing to do with not getting vaccines. I mean, if it's a malaria vaccine, that's one thing, and that has been proven over the past century. However, a lot of the vaccines doctors want us to get now have not been tested for many years. I think specifically of the Oral Polio vaccine back around 1994. Doctors turned out to be very, very wrong about that vaccine, even though they raved about it to their patients. The flu shot has not been tested for many years... like I said in the post: they don't even know if it is excreted in breast milk yet. I am not against vaccines at all. I just want people to be wary about the vaccines they are getting so that they don't all of a sudden have a child with the beginning forms of autism and wonder "Where did this come from?" and not have know that it may have been from a vaccine with mercury in it. :)

  7. I think this raises an interesting point - how thoroughly does a form of medicine need to be tested before we can conclude that it works? Since the effectiveness of vaccines in general is beyond doubt, I wouldn't demand a lot of testing before concluding that any given vaccine works, as all vaccines are based on the same principles. Of course, you are welcome to demand more evidence if you want.

    I'll touch on the mercury issue as well; I don't think that your figures are correct. You appear to be using the toxicity limits for methyl mercury, whereas vaccines contain the less toxic ethyl mercury. Ethyl mercury passes through the body much more rapidly, and is therefore considered to be relatively benign.

  8. Ah yes, but how thoroughly must you test it to see that it doesn't harm you while saying you from a little thing like the flu?

    My figures are correct. Thimerisol is the mercury used.

  9. Despite your denial, forgive me if I continue to doubt.

    If you assume 5 micrograms/liter to be a safe level of mercury exposure, and additionally assume that a baby has 1/3 liter of blood, then a 25 microgram injection would give you 15 times the maximum safe level. However, the figure of 5 mcg/l is not the level of thimerosal considered safe; it is the level of methyl mercury, as found in fish.

    Therefore, if you think that "the flu shot contains 14 times more than the safe amount of mercury", then you must be either assuming a lower amount of blood, a lower threshold for mercury poisoning, or equal toxicity between methyl mercury and thimerosal.

    I doubt that the figure of 1/3 liter of blood is too low. In fact, I expect that it is higher for most children, which would further lower the concentration of mercury in the bloodstream. Further, 5 mcg/l is on the low end of the estimates I found.

    Of course, it is possible that there are accepted limits for young children which are lower. If that is the case, feel free to share them.

    Otherwise, though, the only way to conclude that a vaccine contains 14 times as much mercury as is safe is by conflating thimerosal and methyl mercury.

  10. Good question. The information on methylmercury toxicity is from the EPA:

    As for my estimate on how much blood a child has, I just did a google search and picked something which sounded right. 1/3 liter is about the amount of liquid which fits in a soda can, so I would bet that most children have more than that, if anything.
