Saturday, September 25, 2010


Hi, and welcome to this site!  I've been working on this little by little in my free time.  This is a blog with the purpose of proclaiming God's glory.  Every day I am amazed by everything that God has created... sometimes, I'm not amazed enough.  This is just a place where you can get your little "science fix."  I'm hoping to keep my posts short and to the point.  My goal is for them to inform you about an aspect of creation, and then mention something really interesting or fascinating about them.  In the end, I hope that you will marvel at how perfectly God has made this world and how the order that exists can not possibly come from and evolution of chemicals ('cause I mean.. where'd those chemicals come from?!). So, I hope that you will enjoy reading as much as I will writing.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, nice blog. If your into bible stuff you should read the Nag Hammadi Texts,

    And The Apocryphon of John (The Secret Book of John)

    theses are a little hard to understand, but interesting.

